
There is only one project you need to fork and maintain for all your assignments, including the final: It is located here:

All projects are evaluated, and they are to be done outside of class. Its important that you push your code to your private remote repository that you set-up during the first day of class. See ~/content/setup for detailed instructions on how to set-up your projects and labs.

Instructions for your projects are located in the sub-directory with the same name as your assignment in the instructions.txt file. Place your answers (code) to Programming Exercises in that directory, and put your answers to the Review Exercises in the ReviewExercises.txt file located in the root of the project.

Submitting your homework is easy. So long as you forked-and-cloned the single proJava project properly on the first day of class, and maintained that project on bitbucket (by pushing prior to the due/date time), there's nothing more you need to do. At due date/time, the TA's will fetch your project, evaluate the contents of the appropriate directory, and send you an email with your evaluation.

See course home page for project deadlines.

To complete your projects, you will need to understand some basic git commands, including; add, commit, and push. To learn the basics of these commands, see tutorial here: For a more comprehensive tutorial on git, see git essentail training